The Very Last Christmas - The Movie
Become part of our film and help us tell a story that touches on the fundamental questions of being human. Every contribution counts – here you can find out everything about the FINANCING DETAILS
Thanks to generous donations and significant sponsorship, we were able to start the project in spring 2024. But to cover the costs incurred in post-production, we urgently need additional support. Every additional contribution brings us closer to the goal of bringing this unique story to life and sharing the film with a wide audience. Enter your desired donation amount directly in the form. If you wish, we will be happy to send you a donation receipt or invoice.
Raiffeisenbank Flawil-Degersheim-Mogelsberg-Oberuzwil | Clearing No.: 80808 | BIC/Swift: RAIFCH22XXX | IBAN CH258080800394470651 1 | payable to Reinhard Fust, Wolfhagstrasse 2, CH-9113 Degersheim | Note: Filmproduktion TVLC