The Very Last Christmas - The Movie
Become part of our film and help us tell a captivating story that touches on the central questions of human existence.
The feature film is a non-profit production. Thanks to generous donations and significant sponsorship, we were able to start the project in spring 2024.However, in order to cover the costs incurred in post-production, we urgently need additional support. Every additional contribution brings us closer to the goal of bringing this unique story to life and sharing the film with a wide audience. We are providing our own services for pre- and post-production with a total value of CHF 48,000 and for production CHF 101,500.
The budgeted, uncovered costs amount to at least CHF 15,000 . If we achieve a surplus, this will be used to cover post-production costs not included in the calculation and to pay the crew and cast a symbolic fee.
Location: CHF 2,000.-
Set design & props: CHF 2,000.-
Mask & Make-Up: CHF 2,000.-
Expenses cast & crew, meals: CHF 3,000.-
Equipment: CHF 1,500.-
Permits: CHF 500.-
Hosting Webpage: CHF 150.-
Advertising: CHF 500.-
Publication/Distribution: CHF 500.-
Postproduction & teaser: CHF 1,ooo.-
Crew & Cast flat rate: CHF 1,500.-

Raiffeisenbank Flawil-Degersheim-Mogelsberg-Oberuzwil | Clearing No.: 80808 | BIC/Swift: RAIFCH22XXX | IBAN CH25 8080 8003 9447 0651 1 | payable to Reinhard Fust, Wolfhagstrasse 2, CH-9113 Degersheim | Note: Filmproduktion TVLC
You can find further information about the project here in a newspaper article from October 20, 2023 in the St. Galler Tagblatt